I was so impressed with the article Are You Really Ready To Rise & Shine In 09 that I sent it to others who needed this message. Tanya, you are so inspiring to individuals giving them a ray of hope for the future.
Greg Stallworth, Ohio
Responding to How to Make the Most of the Job You Have Until You Land the One You Want-I’m expecting a great move from God in this area in my life. His confirmation has not only come your newsletter, but through the ones He’s placed in such close proximity to myself, so much so that three of them have already been promoted in one month. All are from different backgrounds, have diverse gifts and career paths. I hear God say, “I’m next”. So once again, I rejoice in the Lord and celebrate you for being obedient to the voice of God in your ministry.
Donna, Tennessee
You are such a blessing to the Body of Christ. I am honored to know you and I believe in your mission according to Luke 1:45. I think BIG and desire to do great things for God. When I get around you, I think even BIGGER because you inspire me all the more.
Nicole, Author, Kentucky
Responding to If It Isn’t Love, Then What Is It? I wanted to take the time to say that I am keeping up with your tips via email subscription and you are doing a great job! Stay blessed and keep empowering others. Matthew 17:20
Tanya M., Kentucky
Responding to It’s Still Time To Get It Fixed In 2006-There is always something written in Tanya’s Tips that touches my life. I am in the midst of believing God to do a new thing in my life particularly on my crazy job. This undue stress and the unrealistic demands remind me of a time when I was put in a very fortunate situation and forced only to trust God. I want to witness to anyone out there that is afraid to step out on faith and change the face of their job that if you take one step God will take two. It may simply be a test of faith, but I promise that God will provide. We spend too much time on our job to allow it to make our lives miserable. I prayed for change on my last crazy job and God provided. Keep the faith, trust and watch Him work.
Duan, Kentucky
Responding to Tanya’s Tips-Thank you for your weekly newsletters. I thank God for you and your ability to reach people on many different levels.
Deborah, Kentucky
Responding to 7 Things That Can Cause Relationship Wrecks issue-That was good Tanya. I have forwarded to 9 friends.
Genstacia, London, UK
Responding to 7 Things That Can Cause Relationship Wrecks issue-Amen!…This is so true. I specially like numbers 2 and 4. In my opinion just let the crazy folk out of your circle of friends, less trouble.
Johnette, Entrepreneur, Kentucky
Responding to 7 Things That Can Cause Relationship Wrecks issue -Great job on this one, L’Tanya!! Regards!
Renie, Washington
Responding to You Have No More Time To Waste-I have been blessed by your newsletters for quite sometime. You have shared many great nuggets of truth. However, Issue #40, You Have No More Time to Waste really propelled me into action. Your reminder that life is very precious and extremely short, along with your encouragement to, be determined to maximize every moment, is just what I needed at this particular time in my life. I have put aside procrastination, and I am now pressing my way into God’s purpose for my life. I urge your readers to take these words to heart, so, that they too will not hesitate to fulfill their life goals and dreams with a since of urgency, for truly ‘We Have No More Time to Waste!’ I pray for God’s riches blessings upon you, as you continue to bless so many other people.
Min. Nina, Kentucky
Responding to 7 Things That Can Cause Relationship Wrecks-Just wanted to drop a line or two to tell you that I really like this one. Keep it moving, girl!
Cherilyn, Life coach/Author, Missouri
Responding to the If Only You Knew issue-I read your weekly Tips and they are very good, but can I say that I find this one very thought provoking. You’ve given me much to think about and I appreciate it. Thank you! Please continue to strive for higher heights and levels in God and within yourself. Have a greatly blessed day!
Author, Florida
I love your newsletter. It is awesome! The topics deal will practical everyday life and makes you search yourself.
Veronica, Kentucky
Responding to the How To Reject Rejection Part 1 issue- Another good newsletter! Thanks.
Valorie, www.valorieburton.com, Author & life coach, Maryland
I really have enjoyed your tips. They are powerfully refreshing. I have already begun to apply your suggestions to my life. In the recent issue How To Reject Rejection-Part 2 I really liked what you said about celebrating yourself. I traced my hand and put it on my refrigerator so that I can celebrate myself. Thanks L’Tanya!
Nora, Kentucky
The issue Celebrating the WOW’s In Your Life was really sentimental. When Tanya told me that issue was about our mother who passed in March 2005 it was comforting. It motivated me to look forward to the future WOW in my life.’
Joe (Tanya’s brother), College Graduate, Kentucky
‘The Issue What To Do When You Are Unexpectedly Faced With What You Fear Most was right on time for me. I had just dealt with my fear of driving earlier this week.’
Veronica, nursing care giver, Kentucky
‘I was speechless when I read the Chain Of Fools issue. There was nothing more for me to say after that.’
L’Dawn (Tanya’s sister), state employee, Kentucky
‘Thank God for your obedience & 6 month’s of Tanyas’ Tips. I love the Do It Anyway article listed on your website under other writing. I have it on my refrigerator & read it for more encouragement when I have a rough day.’
Marie, registered nurse, Kentucky
Thanks for this week’s tip Are You Dealing With A Chain Of Fools. It was right on time. I e-mailed 10 others who are dealing with fools right now.
Stacey, Social Worker, Kentucky
You are definintely on point with this issue 4 Small Words That Are Sabotaging Your Success. I’m just glad that you have become part of my destiny.
Deborah, Kentucky
The issue entitled 3 Keys to Reducing Your Frustration Level has been a life changing word for me. In this particular issue, Tanya encourages us to CTRL, ALT , & DELETE things and people in our life. I CONTROL the happenings in my life by setting boundaries. ALTERNATE the good for the better by not settling for less than the best that God has for me. DELETE those in my life who seek to be a negative influence or insist on dealing with foolishness. Thanks T for keeping it real!!!
Teresa, state employee, Kentucky